Author:Yoga Bestbuy Source:none Hits:67 UpdateTime:2008-7-12 18:39:44
Bikram Choudhury is an Indian yoga guru and the founder of Bikram Yoga, also known as Hot Yoga, a copyrighted series of 26 hatha yoga postures that are performed in a hot environment.
Bikram yoga, usually known as "hot yoga," builds physical and mental strength, balance and flexibility. Bikram Yoga is ideally practiced in a room heated to 40.5C with a humidity of 40%. Bikram Yoga works the entire body from the inside out, from the micro to macro level, using every system of the body. It stretches and strengthens every single muscle, ligament and joint in the body. It constitutes of a demanding series of 26 posture and two breathing exercises, which is designed to work the whole body from the inside out.
Bikram Yoga is a safe, exhilarating workout that will calm your mind, strengthen your body. This method stimulates the organs, glands and nerves moving fresh oxygenated blood to 100% of the body, restoring all systems to optimum health.
Scientifically designed the 90 minute program to deliver total health through the balancing and strengthening of every system in the body in order to prevent illness and injury, promote weight loss, and limit the effects of aging. The benefits are endless to Bikram Yoga. Overall mental, physical and emotional health is improved. While doing the Bikram Yoga , the muscles are contracted and this process helps re-organizing lipids and proteins, optimizing the circulation. Besides, blood is directed to bones, giving them strength. Fresh blood, oxygen and nutrients are brought into the body circulation, contributing to the stimulation of nerves and brain.
When doing the hot yoga, you should have some accessories like your yoga mat and towel. Since you will be sweating severely, you should have something to wipe up your sweat every other time. Bikrams method is such a good yoga style. People who want to be slim can practice this type of yoga because their fats and cholesterol will be burned through sweat.
This more efficient delivery of oxygen to the entire body restores our organs, fibers, and systems to a healthy working order. The sequence is designed so that every posture warms up the muscles and joints needed for the next posture, in addition to working the organs, glands, and nervous system in a systematic and profound way.
The Bikram Yoga constitutes of twenty six Asana that make up:
1 Pranayama Series Standing Deep Breathing
2 Ardha Chandrasana with Pada-Hastasana Half Moon Pose with Hands to Feet Pose
3 Utkatasana Awkward Pose
4 Garurasana Eagle Pose
5 Dandayamana - JanuShirasana Standing Head To Knee Pose
6 Dandayamana - Dhanurasana Standing Bow Pulling Pose
7 Tuladandasana Balancing Stick Pose
8 Dandayamana - Bibhaktapada - Paschimottanasana Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose
9 Trikonasana Triangle Pose
10 Dandayamana - Bibhaktapada - Janushirasana Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee Pose
11 Tadasana Tree Pose
12 Padangustasana Toe Stand Pose
13 Savasana Dead Body Pose
14 Pavanamuktasana Wind Removing Pose
15 Sit Up Sit Up
16 Bhujangasana Cobra Pose
17 Salabhasana Locust Pose
18 Poorna - Salabhasana Full Locust Pose
19 Dhanurasana Bow Pose
20 Supta - Vajrasana Fixed Firm Pose
21 Ardha - Kurmasana Half Tortoise Pose
22 Ustrasana Camel Pose
23 Sasangasana Rabbit Pose
24 Janushirasana with Paschimottanasana Head to Knee Pose with Stretching Pose
25 Ardha - Matsyendrasana Spine Twisting Pose
26 Khapalbhati Blowing In Firm
However, Bikram Yoga may not be suitable for everybody since it does require being physically fit; otherwise, it is not recommended if you are out of shape in which instance you should begin with other types of yoga to attain the proper levels of fitness after which you may take a stab at doing Bikram Yoga. Also, before beginning this type of yoga, you should have found out all there is to know about Bikram Yoga which will help you determine whether this form of yoga is suitable for you or not.
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